Friday, February 18, 2011

The West Side

Oh, the places I've been on the West Side...
This first week has been about exploring and re-exploring the left hemisphere of the island of Manhattan.

Salsa on Tuesdays - Columbus 72nd. This club has free lessons. The crowd is slightly older, but nonetheless, you'll find some salseros.

Ditch Plains - I haven't hung out in the West Village that much these days and it's always as charming as ever. This place is great for drinks and apps - get the fried pickles and nachos with chicken. It was great to catch up with a few old colleagues - how time flies!

Faces & Names - For a joint going away party, my office hosted drinks at this clever after work spot. Caricature paintings of celebs adorn the walls. After some delicious thai food (I'll have to dedicate a post to this subject), we walked home because it was so beautiful and managed to take in the glow of Lincoln Center and its fountain.

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