Saturday, April 9, 2011

Opening Ceremony, Orientation and LAUNCH

These past two weeks were just a snapshot of what's to come for the next 13 months. Opening ceremony in Segovia was momentous, taking place in the old Medieval church. The grounds were truly breathtaking. Since then, it's been networking, orientation, drinks and more networking. Quite exhausting, frankly.

Opening Ceremony at IE University in Segovia

The LAUNCH program had modules in communication, teambuilding, decision making, architecture, etc. Though some of this may be redundant, it was a good refresher and it set the stage for the intensive year. A good takeaway for this first phase is to have an open-mind in order to consider new perspectives of things you think you may already know.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

First Classes and the Matrix

Yesterday capped the first day of classes with pre-courses in Financial Accounting and Quantitative Analysis. It's helpful for me, since I haven't taken any of these classes at all or in years, so some of the material is quite intimidating. The pre-courses focus more on fundamentals and background. Further into this week of pre-course and official coursework, we'll get more into the practical aspects and how these concepts apply to every day business.

The puzzling matrix.

"Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself."

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Landing in Madrid

It's been 9 days since we've landed in Madrid and theres been no stopping. However, on the plane trip here, I thought we were literally about to turn back to New York. Just as we could see the Madrid horizon, a couple of thousand feet up and away from the runway, our plane started to ascent and hover around the airport. It was surprising at the moment, but the pilot assured us there was just runway traffic below. (Something that you think would be cleared at least 20,000 feet before landing.)

Since finally landing it's been running around communicating with broken Spanglish looking for an apartment, phone, food, etc. and meeting new classmates.

We've found some barrios which are somewhat comparable to NYC - Malasana (like East Village), Salamanca, where IE Business School is (like Upper East Side).

Here are some shots of the things we've seen:

Madrid airport

Courtyard view from our temporary apartment

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Long Island Day Trip - Wine Country

This past weekend we spent a much needed day outside of the city with friends, so we ventured out to the Long Island Wine Country in Suffolk County for wine tasting. It's easy enough to get to from the Long Island Expressway (LIE).

To me, the quality of the wine country here is not quite up to par with the Napa Valley, but there are great attributes to this northeast wine region. They say that the region is comparable to the French Bordeaux region, as it has similar temperature, soils and lays on the same latitude.

The rieslings are quite nice and many wineries use the red wine grape Petit Verdot as part of the blends.

Here are the wineries we checked out:

Pindar (left); Clovis Point (right)

Vineyards during the cold season

Thursday, February 24, 2011

From Broadway to Gran Via

As I start purging and repurging my over 6 years of NYC I can't help but think of the neighborhoods I'd like to live in if I were to come back. Since living downtown over the past 4 years, it's been quite convenient, having access to the best local spots, up and coming bars and cultural attractions. I've always had an eye on Gramercy Park, given it's central location to theaters, concert halls, restaurants and shopping, but also quiet residential streets. This part of Broadway intersects Union Square Park. The article my org wrote just reaffirmed why it would be a great place to live - Must See Gramercy.

Gramercy Park

As I embark to Madrid, I look forward to my first place off of the Gran Via (The Great Way). This has been designated the Broadway of Madrid with theaters, hotels, shopping and grandiose buildings. More on Gran Via.
Do you have any photos of Gran Via to share? Comment!

Gran Via

Friday, February 18, 2011

The West Side

Oh, the places I've been on the West Side...
This first week has been about exploring and re-exploring the left hemisphere of the island of Manhattan.

Salsa on Tuesdays - Columbus 72nd. This club has free lessons. The crowd is slightly older, but nonetheless, you'll find some salseros.

Ditch Plains - I haven't hung out in the West Village that much these days and it's always as charming as ever. This place is great for drinks and apps - get the fried pickles and nachos with chicken. It was great to catch up with a few old colleagues - how time flies!

Faces & Names - For a joint going away party, my office hosted drinks at this clever after work spot. Caricature paintings of celebs adorn the walls. After some delicious thai food (I'll have to dedicate a post to this subject), we walked home because it was so beautiful and managed to take in the glow of Lincoln Center and its fountain.

Monday, February 14, 2011

East Village/Lower East Side - New Find Everyday

Sadly, yesterday was my last day as an East Villager. But, the last couple of weeks, I was able to experience some delish treats that make the area so palatable for anyone and everyone.

Lula's Sweet Apothecary - for those who love dairy, but can't handle too much, this confections-vintage inspired shop has a creamy ice cream menu. I was floored with the raspberry cheescake ice cream and patrons swear by the sundaes.

Meatball Shop - wanna sit and eat meatballs? fuggedabouit! "to stay" this joint is at least an hour wait for a table. The best thing to do is order and take these balls "to go".

Now, for my final weeks as a New Yorker, I'll be traipsing around the Upper West Side, dodging strollers and canes alike.